If you're anything like me, you're probably laughing at the title of this post. It's time for a moment of truth though, because I do sometimes put myself in the naughty chair. It benefits me and my boys. Am I crazy?! Yes, Probably!
You see, I want them to know that there are consequences to actions. There are positive consequences and negative consequences. Does this rule only apply to children? We all know it doesn't.
So I followed up with, "Mommy, is acting ugly. Mommy has to sit in the naughty chair."
Of course Blade thought it was funny. So I sat in the naughty chair. As I sat there, I realized, It's NICE to sit in the naughty chair! It's a time-out! It's a time-out to think about the way I was acting, and WHY I was acting that way. It's a time-out from the out-of-control way I was feeling. It was a take-a-break chair, a rest chair, a quiet moment of reflection to calm down and get it all together. I emerged a more positive, energized mother, ready to apologize.
Too often I expect things of my children that I don't do. This is wrong, and I want to lead by example. I also want an easy way to help my young children understand that even parents are held accountable for their actions. For me, the naughty chair is a useful tool that I use to get that point across. Besides, it doesn't hurt to sit down once in a while. *Smile*
Let me know your thoughts! I would love for you to contact me with any questions!